Our research is focused on the design, synthesis, characterization and possible applications of new supramolecular systems with unconventional properties and functions. By combining principles of synthetic and physical organic chemistry with challenges in materials and life sciences, we study the self-assembly and self-organization of molecular architectures into functional supramolecular systems.
- Many congratulations to Prof. Ghislaine Vantomme for receiving the prestigious VIDI grant from NWO for innovational research on smart trainable supra-molecular materials.
- Many congratulations to Prof. Meijer for receiving the prestigious Grand Prix de Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, awarded for his outstanding contribution to the field of supramolecular polymers. P.S: He is the first Dutchman ever to win this prestigious award.
- Many congratulations to Prof. Meijer for receiving the prestigious Medema Award 2024, awarded annually for groundbreaking research in the field of polymers
- After being awarded the Herman Staudinger Preis 2022, Bert Meijer was interviewed by ChemistryViews and shared his insights regarding training of Ph.D. students and communicating science to the public.
- Huachuan Du was awarded an SNSF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship. He will be co-supervised by Bert Meijer and Sam Stupp and will work on the copolymerization of bioactive supramolecular polymers. Congratulations Huachuan!
- Giulia Lavarda received three awards for her outstanding PhD thesis: best PhD Thesis defended in 2021 in the Community of Madrid from the Madrid Territorial Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021 PhD Thesis Award of the Nanoscience and Molecular Materials Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and extraordinary PhD Award from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Congratulations on these great achievements Giulia!
- Stef Jansen received a poster prize at the 25th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry. Congratulations Stef!
- Bert Meijer has been elected as international member of the US National Academy of Sciences. Congratulations to Bert for this great news
Many congratulations to Prof. Meijer for receiving the prestigious Grand Prix de Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, awarded for his outstanding contribution to the field of supramolecular polymers. P.S: He is the first Dutchman ever to win this prestigious award.
On February 27 & 28 2019 we had the Meijerlab Reunion, to celebrate Bert's birthday and to look back on 30 years of research of the group in Eindhoven. The scientific program with an overview of all speakers can be found here.