Master Student


Nationality: Dutch
Undergraduate Institution: Eindhoven University of Technology
Office: HEW 4.30

In 2022, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology. I worked on my bachelor thesis in the group prof. Bert Meijer where I studied the morphology of supramolecular polymers in an amorphous matrix. After completing my bachelor thesis, I continued my work in the group of prof. Meijer as a student assistant. In this period, I worked on the optimization of the mechanical properties of vitrimers by inclusion of non-covalent interactions. I am currently working on my Master’s degree in Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Recently, I started my master thesis in the same group. The aim of my thesis is to study the formation of asymmetric hybrid superstructures containing TPE-peptide supramolecular polymers and metal ions.